Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Market Research On Cover Page

In this post and the following post, I will be posting answers of the questions asked about the preliminary task that I have completed so that I know what I need to fix and make changes to for the final product.

Summary of answers on the cover page:
Through me asking multiple people the question of the magazine, I learned a lot. First of off they had many negatives but I may see this as a way to better my final product. Some positive comments made is that they do like the color scheme of the cover and the Title. They say the masthead is a good side. Now the negatives that they mentioned is that the image is blurry and it should be bigger. Also they believe that it would be better if the background of the image was taken away and that I should not take an action shot for the cover. The shot should me a mid shot or a close shot and I do agree. They also think that there should be a little bit more space taken up with writing. They said the cover should give them a sneak peek of what the article is about and to try to make the cover stand out to the others in some way.

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