Saturday, March 7, 2020

Question 4: How did you integrate technologies in this project?

In this project I used the sites like blogger, photo shop, Poster My Wall, survey monkey, gmail, and Canva. The blogger site was used to keep me up to date with what I have done and keep my research in a timeline so that I may see how I have come up with my final project. Then photoshop was used to crop the images that I have received which were taken with a phone. The site Poster My Wall is the first site that I used for the preliminary task to create the magazine. The site survey monkey and gmail worked hand in hand. The survey monkey site put the survey I created in one easy link form and got the responses for me so that I would see the responses in a chart and gmail sent out the link and got the emails of the people taking the survey. Finally, the last site used was Canva which helped me create my final pieces and was a lot easier to work with.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020